In order to further our church's mission, the Gardner Seventh-day Adventist Church has established a presence here at the Peoples Place to reach out to and address the needs of the Gardner community, this being what Jesus Christ would have us do in accordance with His Word.
Assessing the more important and critical needs of the community to determine our programming remains an ongoing process we hope to refine from our survey data, program attendees, and community resources. Some of the missions we are contemplating might include educational forums such as dietary health, financial planning, basic computer training, smoking cessation, depression recovery, vegetarian cooking, needle craft instruction, and much more. It is our intent to remain flexible such that our mission meets the most critical needs of the community as expressed by its constituents. We encourage, invite, and value your input. Please submit your thoughts on the form below.
We will also be conducting a weekly Bible study open to anyone. We hope that you might consider joining us!